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Finley (aka Mr. Finn) is CDO/Chief Dog Officer at the Blue Dog Agency. A certified emotional support dog, he takes his role very seriously. He rarely takes a day off and lives every day like he's on vacation.


With over 8 years of experience (equivalent to over 40 human years!), Finley has proven that he is the right dog for the job. As CDO he leads morning meetings in the park, as well as afternoon yoga breaks, including his own extended version of downward dog. Mr. Finn greets both prospective and long-time clients with the same friendly bark and has won the hearts of the entire Blue Dog staff. Just don't ask him to fetch your coffee. Instead he will exuberantly insist on escorting you on a leisurely walk to the corner Starbucks for his favorite Puppuccino.


Finley is a graduate of the University of Wagstailalot, earning advanced degrees in Squirrel Chasing and Human Psychology, with a minor in Business. He lives in Lincoln Park at North Pond with his family and all-time favorite human, Henry.

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